Five Minute Friday


Today I am joining the wonderful community at Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday.  This is my fourth time writing on a prompt for 5 minutes.  The deal is set a timer, write on the word given with no corrections or extra time to think just write.  I am excited to write today because tonight I joined a Twitter party for Allume and chatted with some bloggers who are going to the Allume conference.  The blogging community is so warm and friendly.  I want to join in more often than I have.

The word this week is choose.

The area of life that I need to choose carefully these days is my attitude.  Each and everyday I have a choice when I wake up.  I am learning daily that my attitude is a choice.  I am learning to see the gifts God has placed before me every day and choose to see those instead of the crumbs on the floor or the full laundry hamper again.  It is hard but I am beginning to see that it is worth it.  I realize that in the midst of my crazy day with four kiddos I can choose to see Jesus in the small things of my daily life.  My joys come in small packages every day if I choose to see them.  I choose to soak in a sweet Valentine written by my Kindergartener, an offer to hold the umbrella for me in the rain by two of my boys, the hum of the washing machine so I don’t have to wash them by hand.

I would much rather choose to see Jesus in my crazy days than the frustration that seem to surround me when I take my eyes off of Jesus.  It is a choice for me minute by minute somedays.

Join us over at Five Minute Friday and share your thoughts on Choose

5 minute friday

2 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday

  1. Stopping in from the 5 Minute Friday! I tell my children every day that their attitude is their choice. And over the last few months, I have had to really choose whether I was going to be thankful and grateful and whether I was going to love. Thank you for sharing! Happy weekend!

  2. Amen sister! We wrote about the same “choose” topic. I’m choosing to embrace each day as well… to love my child, my day and be thankful for this stage (toddlerhood) of life. Attitude is a big part of it.. perspective.. everything..! We know it’s so hard with kids (and you have 4!!!) But you said it right. I pray God will bless each day for you and a Christ-like attitude will be renewed daily for you each day!! Thanks for sharing with the fellow FMF community!

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