Things I Learned in December


At the end of each month Emily Freeman shares things she has learned. She shares a variety of things some are simple and some are deep. I am excited to join her and others and share what I have learned.  So here it goes:

1. Cinnamon Rolls.  The next step in my obsession with bread making was cinnamon rolls.  I have been eyeing The Pioneer Woman’s recipe for some time now.  I was so excited to meet a new friend who has made them before and figured out all the tips and tricks to them.  All I can say is that they were AWESOME.  One of the best things about this recipe is that the dough can be made ahead and refrigerated for up to three days. The recipe is also freezable (you know how I feel about freezing food).  I made them for teachers, neighbors, and our family.  I will for sure be making them again.

cinnamon rolls

2. Twitter can be fun if you join in the conversation.  I have been on Twitter for a while now but haven’t really understood it before.  I am a Facebook girl.  I love the interaction I get there.  With Twitter I just felt like I was following along but not involved.  I have been following How They Blog on Twitter and this month decided to put one of Kat’s tips into practice.  She suggested interacting with some of your favorite bloggers on social media.  So I did!  It was so fun to tweet to Heather from God Centered Mom and have her tweet back to me.  If you are on Twitter follow me.

3. Little girls can play with little princess figurines for hours.  Madeline got lots of Little People princesses for Christmas and she plays with them all the time.  After having 3 boys this is so different.


4. I love Parenthood.  After mourning the end of Friday Night Lights on Netflix I thought my nights of staying up late to watch one more episode were over.  But I have a new love.  Don’t worry Dillion Panthers I will never forget “Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose!”

5. I learned to make spaghetti with mizithra cheese and browned butter.  If you are an Old Spaghetti Factory fan you should know what this is.  This is one of my favorite meals ever.  When I found that Costco was carrying mizithra cheese I bought some and in line at Costco I searched the internet on how to make browned butter.  So yummy!


6. You never know when a plastic firefighter hat will come in handy.  Let’s just say coughing attack, vomit, and car.  Enough said!

7. I learned that I am terrible at Rainbow loom bracelets.

What did you learn this December?  I would love for you to share with me and the community at Emily’s Place.

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